Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

Warum sollte ich?

I've don't forget about you, shouldn't I?
It struggle and broke, pounding and spreading but there is always
a place for you inside this beating thing under my costal arch!
No one else would ever be my prince,
as childish it seems, its fukin' me and its my decision,
don't care about what someone else thinks about it - "fuck off" maybe rushed my head!
But hey, I remember the sound of you're laugh and your shy, curious eyes.
Times changed - thanks god(!) but never my promise for you!
As Cedric says "Until I die, for my prince!"
Theres nothing wrong to remember, I still miss you!

Wenn ich so aus dem Fenster in die Nacht sehe,
das kleine Plüschtier auf meinem Schrank,
über der Nähmaschine und all den Büchern,
bringt es mich immer wieder zum schmunzeln.

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

For a good Friend~
